Try the new Math and Dyscalculia Screening Test
The online Math and Dyscalculia Screening Test is available now to all.Main features:
- 15 modules (including ANS, approximate number system and extensive Math screening)
- Grades pre-K to 9 and above
- Math assessment by grade
- It is flexible, as it takes into account your speed of processing
- It is flexible, as it takes into account the number of questions answered right or wrong
- It is flexible, as it takes into account your grade level for the level of questions
You will receive your personal results emailed shortly after completing the test.
Although this is very affordable ($27.50), we do offer group pricing available for schools or other groups, contact us
Get a Dyscalculia Test today! Why wait?
We have never heard a parent say: ” I should have waited longer to get my child tested”. We often hear “I should have done this test years/months ago”. Why wait for the school or the availability of a Psychologist or Educational Diagnostician when you can find out now if there is an issue that could be a Math Learning Disability or Dyscalculia. We are passionate about helping children get identified as soon as possible because the remediation will take less time and will be more successful. Also your child will not have to go through years/months of agony in Math Class but be supported right away. This is a low-cost ($27.50) online option, developed to get Parents and Teachers an easy way to screen for the Math Learning Disability or Dyscalculia. Read further on this site about the flexibility that is built in and the time it will take you to do the test.
Trouble with Math? Get tested
Get tested when you suspect that you or your child have trouble with math. Math is an important topic in school and an ounce of prevention will be worth a pound of re-mediation later.

When children miss basic components of Math early on during their school career it will impact their performance later and as Math is taught in a cumulative way, the issue will become bigger over time. Developing Math Anxiety is a serious possibility.
Doing the Math and Dyscalculia Screening Test will give you a great indication if there is a chance that you or your child have the Math Learning Disability or Dyscalculia. It also gives you a great profile of where gaps exist so you can seek help and get a headstart with tutoring.
New Research has now confirmed that counting using fingers is an important tool to learn to count and calculate. Preventing the use of fingers when the concepts have not been understood yet, is not helpful. The practice to stop the use of fingers for children at a particular age is not helpful, rather teachers should pay attention to the development stage the children are in and if the concepts have been understood.
Dyscalculia early recognition and the need for testing
Dyscalculia, the math learning disability, is an inborn condition which makes it hard for children to do the most basic operations in math.
It is possible with specialized tutoring to re-train the brain to partially overcome this condition and ensuring children can cope. Also, in order for them to become successful in school with math, they will need certain accommodations. Only with results from a test will you be able to request the accommodations they need.
Early warning signs include:
- Number sense, counting, and numbers
- Starting to count at a later age than siblings/classmates
- Taking more time to memorize and learn to write the numerals
- Counting on fingers instead of using math facts from memory
- Using a number line is difficult, no representation in their memory
- Larger numbers are often copied in the wrong order by children with dyscalculia
- Operations and procedures
- Confusion over math concepts
- Difficulty memorizing math facts, in particular multiplication tables
- Repeated mistakes with Math vocabulary
- ‘Misreading’ a number sentence: add instead of multiply etc.
- Difficulty selecting essential information and choosing the operation in a word problem
- Measurement
- Difficulty selecting the larger of two small quantities without counting
- Issues with perception of shapes and relative sizes
- Difficulty with changing to another unit (days – weeks, pints – gallons)
- Confusion over telling time on a digital and an analog clock
- Children with dyscalculia have difficulty making a rough guesstimate
- Behavioral characteristics
- Uncomfortable with activities involving counting or numbers
- Making wild guesses or just jotting down random numbers
- Working slowly and inconsistently
- Seems to ‘get it’ one day, ‘forgets’ it the next
- Deliberately avoiding math tasks, while being OK with other subjects
As soon as you observe any of these symptoms with your child, you will do good to get them tested soon.
Our online test on this website is a good start, for a full evaluation you would need to consult with our mothership;